Lefties are really, really... no REALLY dumb!

It is my contention that most people, from the various communities, religions and tribes in my homeland are conservative by nature, belief and action.

That is to say, they lead what I would call a normal life, they go to school, they learn a trade or go to college, and then they find a job or career. They find a soul mate, they perhaps raise a family, and they visit their parents and look after their kids.

They take a holiday once or twice a year. Regardless of their religious background, if any, they celebrate at Christmas and exchange gifts, they perhaps go and see their kids perform as a goatherd/shepherd/Joseph in the Christmas play.

They watch their children grow, they attempt to help them to avoid some of the pitfalls that they themselves perhaps fell into during their own teenage years, and then they watch as they grow older and become grandparents themselves. This is what I mean by conservative.

There is another tribe though... The political activist, or lefty. These folks are NOT normal, like those that I describe above. These people seem to thrive on destabilising the traditions that have always been.

They gravitate towards a career at the town hall, or the local radio/tv station, they have an unhealthy attraction to the teaching, or ancillary healthcare professions, where to be conservative is something a normal person has to keep very quiet about... One careless sentence in the wrong company and their career is toast, and needless to say the same goes for any normal fellow in the previously mentioned environments.

Of an evening, these folk do not go home and have family time. Oh no, this type have political meetings to attend, have leaflets to stuff or deliver. At the weekend they take in a demonstration, sit-in or a boycott, or go on a march. The best times are when they can barrack one of their enemies, should they dare to venture onto the street in plain sight.

Anyone that they disagree with is a fascist or a racist, those that get off lightly are merely Tory scum.

They reserve their deepest opprobrium for the common or garden conservative. Anyone that has the temerity to be unmoved by the daily machinations of their friends in the town hall, the media or in radical politics, with the NHS or a union of some sort. The sort of people that I describe above, who do not wish to devote any more energy to politics than the quinquennial vote for the reds or the blues.

So anyway... Why do I contend that they are really dumb?

Is it perhaps that they persist in waving their "green credentials" whilst never refusing a lift?

Is it because they think that electric cars are healthier than traditional hydro-carbon fuelled vehicles?

Is it because following a week of sunshine that they start to rant about global warming or climate change or conversely 'splain to us that our jokey contention that a hundredth of an inch of snow is proof that climate change is a myth, is in fact weather?

Or is it related to "our relationship" with Europe, or as we ordinary conservatives like to attest "rule by the anti-democratic European Union"?

I suggest that it is this last misconception, that finds them out. They vehemently state that to hold the remain view is the progressive left wing view, and that to hold the leave position is right wing, some even suggest that it is "far-right".

Why is this really dumb?

Is it progressive to support the activities of the international corporations who care not a jot for the welfare of the people that they enslave? I don't think so.

Is it progressive to support the politicians and the bureaucrats that help maintain the position of huge unaccountable power that these corporations and their financiers, the banks occupy? I don't think so.

Is it progressive to condemn the people that they hoodwink into supporting them by saying that those that oppose are "far right", when the reality is that the "far right" that they claim to despise, follow precisely the same political path as the typical lefty? I don't think so.

Is it progressive to condemn these same people as thick bovines who at best, deserve nothing more than a life on the minimum wage, working for some nasty corporate outfit in their despatch warehouse or call centre or at worst. a life on trama-dole?

I don't expect that many of us need me to go any further, we know who the dummies are, and they are the regressive progressives.


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